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Publications référencées sur HAL
Revues internationales avec comité de lecture (ART_INT)
- [1] E. Poirson, C. Cunha. A recommender approach based on customer emotions. In Expert Systems with Applications ; éd. Elsevier, 2019, vol. 122.
- [2] T. Hou, B. Yannou, Y. Leroy, E. Poirson. Mining Changes in User Expectation Over Time From Online Reviews. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019, vol. 141, num. 9.
- [3] T. Hou, B. Yannou, Y. Leroy, E. Poirson. Mining customer product reviews for product development: A summarization process. In Expert Systems with Applications ; éd. Elsevier, 2019, vol. 132.
- [4] A. Moyon, E. Poirson, J. Petiot. Development of an Acceptance Model for Occupational Exoskeletons and Application for a Passive Upper Limb Device. In IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors ; éd. Taylor & Francis, 2019, vol. 7, num. 3-4.
- [5] A. Moyon, E. Poirson, J. Petiot. Experimental study of the physical impact of a passive exoskeleton on manual sanding operations. In Procedia CIRP ; éd. ELSEVIER, 2018, vol. 70.
- [6] M. Delangle, E. Poirson, J. Petiot. Using motion capture to study human standing accessibility: comparison between physical experiment, static model and virtual ergonomic evaluations. In International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2017, vol. 11, num. 3.
- [7] D. Raghupathi, B. Yannou, R. Farel, E. Poirson. Customer sentiment appraisal from user-generated product reviews: a domain independent heuristic algorithm. In International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2015, vol. 9, num. 3.
- [8] E. Poirson, M. Parkinson. Estimated Anthropometry for Male Commercial Pilots in Europe and an Approach to its Use in Seat Design. In International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics ; éd. Elsevier, 2014, vol. 44, num. 5.
- [9] Y. Yan, E. Poirson, F. Bennis. An interactive motion planning framework that can learn from experience. In Computer-Aided Design ; éd. Elsevier, 2014, vol. 59.
- [10] E. Poirson, J. Petiot, L. Boivin, D. Blumenthal. Eliciting User Perceptions Using Assessment tests based on an Interactive Genetic Algorithm. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013, vol. 135, num. 3.
- [11] J. Bénabès, E. Poirson, F. Bennis. Integrated and interactive method for solving layout optimization problems. In Expert Systems with Applications ; éd. Elsevier, 2013, vol. 40, num. 15.
- [12] J. Bénabès, F. Bennis, E. Poirson, Y. Ravaut. Interactive optimization strategies for layout problems. In International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing ; éd. Springer Verlag, 2010, vol. 4, num. 3.
- [13] E. Poirson, J. Gilbert, J. Petiot. Integration of user perceptions in the design process: application to musical instrument optimization. In Journal of Mechanical Design ; éd. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2010, vol. 40, num. 5.
- [14] E. Poirson, J. Petiot, F. Richard. A method for perceptual evaluation of products by naive subjects: Application to car engine sounds.. In International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics ; éd. Elsevier, 2010, vol. 40, num. 5.
- [15] E. Poirson, P. Dépincé, J. Petiot. User-centered design by genetic algorithms: Application to brass musical instrument optimization. In Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ; éd. Elsevier, 2007, vol. 20, num. 4.
- [16] E. Poirson, J. Gilbert, J. Petiot. Study of the brightness of trumpet tones. In Journal of the Acoustical Society of America ; éd. Acoustical Society of America, 2005, vol. 118, num. 4.
- [17] X. Song, E. Poirson, Y. Ravaut, F. Bennis. Interactive Design Optimization of Layout Problems. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS 2021), septembre 2021, Nantes, France.In Alexandre Dolgui (éds.), . Springer, 2021.
- [18] T. Hou, B. Yannou, Y. Leroy, E. Poirson. An Affordance-Based Online Review Analysis Framework. In 22nd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED19), août 2019, Delft, Pays-Bas.
- [19] A. Leroyer, S. Barré, E. Poirson. L'option projet PariSci2024 : un pari scientifique et pédagogique. In 24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, août 2019, Brest, France.
- [20] A. Moyon, J. Petiot, E. Poirson. Investigating the effects of passive exoskeletons and familiarization protocols on arms-elevated tasks. In Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2019 Annual Conference, octobre 2019, Nantes, France.
- [21] T. Hou, B. Yannou, Y. Leroy, E. Poirson, I. Mata, G. Fadel. Identifying affordances from online product reviews. In International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), août 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
- [22] A. Soubhia, A. Luiz Serpa, E. Poirson, R. Chenouard. A geometric approach to obtain the positions of collocated actuators and sensors for vibration control. In Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, février 2015, Natal, RN, Brésil.
- [23] M. Delangle, J. Petiot, E. Poirson. Assessing the differences between numerical methods and real experiments for the evaluation of reach envelopes of the human body. In Colloque National AIP-Priméca, mars 2015, La plagne, France.
- [24] M. Delangle, J. Petiot, E. Poirson. Assessing the differences between numerical methods, CAD evaluations and real experiments for the assessement of reach envelopes of the human body. In ICED "Design for Life", juillet 2015, Milan, Italie.
- [25] E. Poirson, C. da Cunha, J. Petiot. Can we categorize moviegoers on their emotions?. In Kanseï engineering and emotion research - KEER, 2014, Linkoping, Suède.
- [26] D. Raghupathi, B. Yannou, R. Farel, E. Poirson. Sentiment rating algorithm of product online reviews. In Design Conference, mai 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatie.
- [27] M. Delangle, Ã. Poirson, J. Petiot. Study of human accessibility: physical tests versus numerical simulation. In Design conference, mai 2014, Cavtat, Croatie.
- [28] D. Raghupathi, B. Yannou, R. Farel, E. Poirson. Learning from product users, a sentiment rating algorithm. In DCC: International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition, juin 2014, London, Royaume-Uni.
- [29] E. Poirson, M. Delangle, B. Novarini. Helping the designer to choose his software: Comparative analysis of human modeling tools. In Proceedings of Digital Human Modeling 2013, juin 2013, Ann Arbor, Michigan, états-Unis.
- [30] E. Poirson, M. Delangle. Comparative analysis of human modeling tools. In International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, juin 2013, Ann Arbor, états-Unis.
- [31] Y. Yan, E. Poirson, F. Bennis. Integrating User to Minimize Assembly Path Planning Time in PLM. In The IFIP WG5.1 10th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management - PLM13, juillet 2013, Nantes, France.
- [32] Y. Yan, E. Poirson, F. Bennis. INTERACTIVE AND ON-LINE LEARNING SYSTEM FOR ASSEMBLY TASK MOTION PLANNING. In International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2013, août 2013, Portland, Oregon, états-Unis.
- [33] M. Delangle, E. Poirson. Helping the designer to choose his software: Comparative analysis of human modeling tools. In Congrès Français de mécanique, août 2013, Bordeaux, France.
- [34] Y. Yan, E. Poirson, F. Bennis. Integrating User to Minimize Assembly Path Planning Time in PLM. In 10th Product Lifecycle Management for Society (PLM), juillet 2013, Nantes, France.In Alain Bernard (éds.), . Springer, 2013.
- [35] J. Bénabès, E. Poirson, F. Bennis, Y. Ravaut. Perceptive exploration of layout designs using an interactive genetic algorithm. In ASME 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis - ESDA 2012, avril 2012, Nantes, France.
- [36] I. Jomaa, E. Poirson, C. da Cunha, J. Petiot. Design of a recommender system based on customer preferences : a comparison between two approaches. In ASME 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis -ESDA 2012, avril 2012, Nantes, France.
- [37] J. Bénabès, B. Guédas, E. Poirson, F. Bennis. Indicator of feasibility for layout problems. In ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) - 38th Design Automation Conference (DAC), août 2012, Chicago, Illinois, états-Unis.
- [38] I. Jomaa, C. da Cunha, E. Poirson, J. Petiot. PREFERENCE BASED SYSTEM: AN ASSISTANCE FOR CHOOSING A COMIC. In AipPrimeca, mars 2011, Mont Dore, France.
- [39] I. Jomaa, E. Poirson, C. da Cunha, J. Petiot. A METHODOLOGY FOR DESIGNING A RECOMMENDER SYSTEM BASED ON CUSTOMER PREFERENCES. In ICED 2011 Conference, août 2011, COPENHAGUE, Danemark.
- [40] J. Bénabès, E. Poirson, F. Bennis, Y. Ravaut. Modular optimization strategy for layout problems. In 18th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 2011), août 2011, Copenhague, Danemark.
- [41] E. Poirson, J. Petiot, J. Bénabès, L. Boivin, D. Blumenthal. Detecting design trends using perceptive tests based on an interactive genetic algorithm. In IDETC 2011, août 2011, Washington, états-Unis.
- [42] J. Bénabès, E. Poirson, F. Bennis, Y. Ravaut. Interactive modular optimization strategy for layout problems. In ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) - 37th Design Automation Conference (DAC), août 2011, Washington, DC, états-Unis.
- [43] E. Poirson, J. Petiot, E. Aliouat, L. Boivin, D. Blumenthal. Interactive user tests to enhance innovation. In International conference on Kansei Engineering and emotion research, mars 2010, Paris, France.
- [44] J. Bénabès, F. Bennis, E. Poirson, Y. Ravaut. An Interactive-based approach to the Layout design optimization. In 20th CIRP Design Conference, avril 2010, NANTES, France.
- [45] J. Bénabès, F. Bennis, E. Poirson, Y. Ravaut. Accessibility in Layout Optimization. In 2nd International Conference On Engineering Optimization (Engopt 2010), septembre 2010, Lisbonne, Portugal.
- [46] E. Poirson, J. Petiot, E. Aliouat, L. Boivin, D. Blumenthal. Study of the convergence of Interactive Genetic Algorithm in iterative user's tests: application to car dashboard design. In International conference on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering IDMME 2010, octobre 2010, Bordeaux, France.
- [47] J. Bénabès, F. Bennis, E. Poirson, Y. Ravaut. A new approach for specifying and solving layout problems. In IDMME - Virtual Concept 2010, octobre 2010, Bordeaux, France.
- [48] E. Poirson, J. Petiot. Optimisation d'une épreuve d'évaluation par comparaisons par paires. In 11ème Colloque National AIP PRIMECA, avril 2009, La Plagne, France.
- [49] E. Poirson, J. Petiot, T. Leroy, E. Aliouat, L. Boivin, D. Blumenthal. Intégration d'évaluations clients pour favoriser l'innovation - Application au design de planches de bord automobile. In CONFERE'09, juillet 2009, Marrakech, Maroc.
- [50] M. Delangle, E. Poirson. Helping the designer to choose his software: Comparative analysis of human modeling tools. In 21e Congrès Français de Mécanique, août 2013, Bordeaux, France.
- [51] M. Questel, G. Juge, E. Poirson. Mise en place d'un outil de mesure de forces des mains.. In 21e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, France., août 2013, Bordeaux, France.
- [52] J. Bénabès, E. Poirson, F. Bennis, Y. Ravaut. Démarche intégrée pour l'optimisation d'agencement d'espace : application à l'aménagement d'un shelter. In 12ème Colloque National AIP PRIMECA, mars 2011, Le Mont Dore, France.
- [53] A. Leroyer, M. Magnin, E. Poirson, G. Mauff. Option projet : objectif compétences. In Prototyper pour renforcer l'expérience d'apprentissage. 21-03-2024
- [54] J. Petiot, D. Blumenthal, E. Poirson. Interactive Genetic Algorithm to Collect User Perceptions. Application to the Design of Stemmed Glasses. In Nature-Inspired Methods for Metaheuristics Optimization. 2020
- [55] E. Poirson. Prise en compte des perceptions de l'utilisateur en conception de produit. Application aux instruments de musique de type cuivre.. Thèses : Ecole Centrale de Nantes (ECN), Université de Nantes, .